FIKSZ registry system
Use of open source technologies (Java, PostgreSQL, Alfresco document repository)
Modular architecture, easily extensible services
Own procedure and authorisation management, logging module
Use of authorisation managers (LDAP/AD)
Robust architecture, enhanced security
Ability to ensure high availability
Thin-client design, works in popular browsers (Chrome, Firefox), responsive display
E-mail mailbox management (ActiveSync, IMAP)
FIKSZ10 is a certified Process Management and Records Management Software based on the Ulyssys KFŐNIX framework, meeting the requirements of the Decree of the Minister of Interior 3/2018 (21 February) BM. The FIKSZ system was developed based on 10+ years of experience in document management, with a special focus on enhancing the user experience.
The system has a high integration capability, including the implementation of the following services:
- Government Receiving System (Hungarian abbreviation KÉR)Authority Portal
- Citizen Portal
- Company Portal
- Conversion of electronic documents into authentic paper documents (KEÜSZ, ‘Posta Hibrid’)
- Transfer of electronic documents to archives (SIP format)
- Disposal Register (RNY)
- Aggregation Register (ÖNY)
- Secure Delivery Service
- GovCA – Electronic signature and time stamp based on qualified certificate
- Postal electronic mailing list (EFJ)
- Secure Delivery Service (NISZ-BKSZ)
- Central Government Service Busz (KKSZB)
The FIKSZ document management specialised system is able to provide document management services for additional companion systems (webservice and REST service publications). It is able to integrate with the local client master system and to use the Netlock – Qualified certificate based electronic signature and timestamp.